Frequently Asked Questions

Home Frequently Asked Questions
What does a "management company" do, and how can I reach them?

A management company, contracted by the Board of Directors, provides essential services such as assessment collection, subcontractor supervision, financial reporting, and conflict resolution. You can reach us through the Management Office page on this website or by phone using the contact numbers listed on the Contact Us page.

What is a homeowner's association?
What are the CC&Rs?
What are the Bylaws?
Who is the Board of Directors?
Are there any other rules?
What can I do if I have a problem with a neighbor violating the Policies and Guidelines?
Are Board Meetings open to all residents? When and where are they held?
How can I serve on a committee?
What is my assessment, and how is it determined?
Will my assessment increase?
What happens if I don't pay my assessment?

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